Sensor for VR position (Not Rotation!)

Hello guys,
i'am making a VR with Arduino and a game with unity.
Here is what i'am thinking of:
My phone will act as the display for the VR I will download any pc streamer app to view my pc.
And I will buy an MPU-6050 sensor to get my VR headset rotation and wire it to arduino nano and send those values to unity, then I can read those values and attach them to my camera object.
Here is the problem:
How is my game going to know my current position not rotation ?
Like if I jump the in-game camera moves up like the irl me.
Also I will need the same thing for the VR controllers, If I move my hand to the left the in game hand moves to the left.
Again. Not the rotation values by the MPU-6050, The position.
So, is there any sensor for that ?
