Hi all, this is my first post, I've read the forums for awhile now, only now just made an account.
So my problem is this, I'm doing a sort of sensor sound project for a room. When someone walks in I want it to make a noise, a message with my voice and when the door closes again it makes another noise. I've done some research, but haven't come to anything really conclusive. How can I record my voice and then have that play on the arduino? Would I have to record my voice through some software then use a convertor? I have a speaker, but not sure how I would code that voice into every time the sensor goes off. I understand how the sensor works, and how it would go off and on each time, I'm using LEDs for that at the moment. Just recording my voice and converting, then having that played back is where I'm stuck. I don't really have any code worth while to show at the moment, sorry. Any advice would be appreciated.
How can I record my voice and then have that play on the arduino?
The Arduino can't do that alone, nor can it drive a speaker, so you will need a recording and playback module.
This is a complex project for a beginner, and in particular, the detection of certain sound levels or audio signals, then taking action is a surprisingly difficult task that has defeated many advanced hobbyists. Search through the forum and elsewhere for (mostly failed) ideas.
We recommend to start with simple example projects, to learn the programming language and the special features of the Arduino.
Thank you for your feedback, I kind of thought this might have been a little ambitious for me as I started doing this stuff about 6 weeks ago. I already discussed this idea with my lecturer and I have just under 2 weeks to finish this project. I might have to go over everything again and choose a different project.
I will tell my lecturer that I need to change my project to something simpler and that this is too advanced for me, they are nice and understanding, so it shouldn't be a problem. Thanks again.
Your requirements are a bit hard to distill from that message.
It seems you want to have a message played when someone enters a room through a door (not necessarily when the door opens), and another message when that door closes.
Playing messages: record them as WAV file to SD card, place than in a DF Player module, and the Arduino can control it. Connect speakers/amplifiers as needed.
Recording a door closing: magnetic switch.
Recording someone enters a room: two break beam sensors (so you can tell direction: entering or exiting) is probably the most reliable method for this.