When I hook up a servo to a motor shield (the little tri pin plug on the board), it works beautiful. When I hook it up to a sensor shield (or just arduino as well) the servo either does not move or acts erratic. My question is, what is inside the motor shield that allows the servo to work correctly? I don't think it is the hbridge as that works for dc motor. Can any one inform me? Thank you.
When I hook up a servo to a motor shield
Which one?
When I hook it up to a sensor shield (or just arduino as well) the servo either does not move or acts erratic
How are you powering the servo this way?
Paul, I got the sainsmart l239d and I just power from USB. Even with USB, the motor shield moves the servos very well, and with great torque!
I got the sainsmart l239d
That link doesn't work.
Oh I know, the sainsmart company has absolutely no documentation what so ever. Hence, why I asked the forum.