Hi everyone! For a project, I'm making an aquatic trash bin which will, of course, collect floating garbage in the water. The orientation of the garbage bag is horizontal (see image, sorry for bad illustration) and is made of net, for the water to come in and out. The debris will pass through the opening which has a lid that allows it to go in but not out. Now, I'm looking for a sensor that can sense whenever the storage is full. I'm really hoping you guys can help me with this one.
Also, the aquatic trash bin has half of its body submerged in water.
I haven't really installed the lid in the bag for I'm still rethinking its principle. But here's my concept so far (image attached). The hinge will only open in an extent. The lid will close with the outward force of the water.
Maybe a tension sensor in the tow rope, the force required to pull the bag along will increase as it fills up with trash (more resistance to the water). This force of course is also dependent on the speed of the boat so you'd have to correct for this.