Sensor without library

Hi all,

I recently bought an humidity sensor, but after contacting the manufacturer we found out the sensor doesn't have a library or an other example code. We don't have a lot of experience so we don't know how we can program this sensor. :astonished:
Who can help us in the right direction? :smiley:

Thank you in advance,

Vierus :grin:

PS. This is the sensor:
B+B Thermo-Technik HYTE-ANA-1735 Analogue Humidity Module

Reading range 0 - 100 %

Output voltage 1 - 3.6 Vdc

I'd try:

Connect the output to an analogPin
with 5V reference:
reading 1V gives you analog value 1023/5=205 and 3.6V will return 736
If we can guess linearity.. and 1V is for 0%RH:

relHum=map(analogRead(Apin),204,736,0,100); //