Hi all! New here and relatively new to all things Arduino and I have a couple questions regarding my first big project.
For a brief overview of the project, I am automating the environmental conditions inside of a reptile enclosure with the a 24"x24"x48" volume. I am doing this with a heat source input, 3 12V fan outputs, 3 DHT11 sensors (to cover different locations within the enclosure), and 2 GROVE soil moisture sensors in order to automate the watering process. In order to regulate humidity, I have several 5V pump hooked up to a watering/misting system throughout the enclosure.
As for current status, I have been successful setting up the fans and the pumps. I understand that my methods for controlling both might not be ideal, but I am learning a lot from this set up and plan to replace these components in the future. That being said, I have mistakenly attached a deadline to this project and must now complete a working model with the components I have. When it comes to the sensors, I am having a lot more trouble. I set up the soil moisture sensor in an experimental set up and it worked just as advertised. Once I attached it to a ~24 inch wire, things got worse. No matter what I try the sensor just reports random values when read. As for the DHT11's, I am only able to get them to read a consistent 254 for both temperature and humidity with similar length wires.
So, my question is: How long is too long for sensor wires (i.e. should I look into shielding)? I spent a good few hours looking on the internet and searching this forum without any luck dealing with as simple an issue as mine. From what I could gather, the length of my wires should not be an issue. I will attach an many photos as I can. I am fully aware my breadboard is a mess and that this issue could prevent you guys from giving me help. Unfortunately this is my current skill level. All advice appreciated.
Thank you!