One of my friends asked me to provide a solution for the supervision of his cold room storage . He needs to know the temperature, humidity, pressure and measure air quality. I am thinking of BME680 sensor. Is this sensor really suitable for cold room storage environment? Could anyone share his experience (if any)? Thank you.
What are the environmental conditions expected to be?
Any sensors or electrical circuitry on PCBs in a cold room must be protected from humidity. Moisture in warm air from an opened door will condense on cold surfaces, and in turn, cause electrolysis and corrosion that destroys circuit boards in days to weeks.
Manufacturers coat finished PCBs and everything one them with "conformal coating" (similar to nail polish) or encapsulate the boards in silicon potting compound.
Temperature is usually set between 0°C and 10°C. Humidity is usually kept relatively low, between 50% and 60%. Proper air circulation is important.
Ask your friend if the room has an adequate fan that continuously circulates the air. Without your sensors will be useless.
In fact, I was thinking also to use nail polish to completely cover the esp8266 (wemos mini) and the sensor. I wonder if the microcontroller will work when completely covered with nail polish. At least the reset button will not work.
Make sure the 680 and the 8266 are kept apart
If your board has a voltage regulator or other device the will get warm, do NOT cover that chip with anything! Do not cover connectors with anything, either.
For the voltage regulator, I agree with you. But why connectors should not be covered?
In case you need them I'm guessing??? Maybe find a way to plug them non permanently?
Thanks. I forgot about that.
There might be others, just my guess.
The usual material for conformal coating is polyurethane. Either from a spray can or by brushing. The standard procedure is to mask all parts of the board that you do not want coated. Then suspend the board from one corner, using a stiff wire. you will hang the board to let the urethane drip off and the harden over 12 hours.
Both sides must be completely coated.
If you DON'T mask connectors, the polyurethane will make insulators of all the pins.
No idea why you need pressure and as far as air quality, both can be done externally.
For temp and humidity, look here............
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