hi . i am new to this all i have one question to begin with. I was trying to make this script work but i have one problem
// led wired + to pin 12, resistor to positive +5v
int outPin = 12; // Output connected to digital pin 12
int mail = LOW; // Is there new mail?
int val; // Value read from the serial port
void setup()
pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
mail = HIGH; // start off with lights out
void loop()
// Read from serial port
if (Serial.available())
val = Serial.read();
Serial.println(val, BYTE);
if (val == 110) // n = 110 in dec
mail = LOW; // HIGH is off because led is connected to +5v on the other side
else if (val == 109) //109 = m in dec
mail = HIGH; // LOW is on because led is connected to +5v on the other side
// Set the status of the output pin
digitalWrite(outPin, mail);
but the serial.available() does not work not return anything.