Serial communication problem and/or driver problem

I use an Arduino Uno (Rev3) to read digital sensors, and send the measurements every 10 sec to a PC connected by USB. Data are read on the serial port by Python, the PC is running Windows 10.
Everything works fine, except that, after a few hours/days, the arduino seems to stop sending the data. I have to disconnect and reconnect it. It then works again for a random duration.

I actually have three different Adruino Uno boards. To me, they all are identical (two were bought from the same store, the third directly online from arduino). They all are genuine Arduino Uno Rev3.
However I experience this problem with only two of my boards, not the third one.

I tried looking for differences between the boards and noticed that they do not use the same driver. When I plug the boards that do not work, the driver version is
When I plug the board that does work, the driver version is (or maybe

I thus suspect that my problem could be solved by using the driver on all boards. But I don't understand why they do not use the same driver, and I did not find any way to update the driver (Windows always say that the driver is up to date).

I would really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance

You would need to look at all three boards and identify the chip just behind the USB socket to see if one is a different brand or type.

That is usually the test of a good copy or a clone.

Also how are you powering them as that too can be a crucial point in reliability.
We don't know what you have connected and how so a schematic would also be useful.

Not too sure which chip I should look at. I took a photo of one of the faulty boards, which can be seen at

I would be very surprised if the boards were not genuine Arduino (they were bought from radiospares).

As to what is attached to the board:

  • 3 DS18B20 Dallas 1-Wire digital temperature sensor
  • 1 DHT22
  • 1 photoresistance

I attach a scheme showing connections. The scheme includes 2 DS18B20, there are 3. It also includes 2 water-meters which are not connected anymore.

The board is powered through the USB port.

Your present set up should run fine as far as power consumption.

The chip is an Atmel so all good there too if they are all the same.

That just one uses a different driver is a mystery if they all use the same serial chip.

You could try reset the com port list under windows and when it offers to remove the driver you could say yes (not normally a needed step)

I checked on the board that functions, it is also an Atmel chip (with apparently the same writtings on it).
I tried unsintalling the driver and reinstalling, I tried reset com ports (in the registery). Didn't change anything. One board still uses driver and works fine, the other two use driver and randomly stop working.
I could reproduce this difference in drivers on another computer, running Windows 7.