Serial Communication - Problem

Hello Everyone ,

I have been working on a desktop application that controls an arduino dimilanov through usb serial.
Basically what the programs does is it sends some messages to the arduino and the chip responds accordingly (like reading temperature value from a connected dht11 or turns on or off the output pins ) , I had almost finished the project, but suddenly no matter what I send there is no response from the chip.I used device monitor studio to view the data being send and it was all correct, but when I send the same data using arduino serial monitor , it works!!. But it no longer works with the desktop application. I have tried almost everything

The desktop application is written in Lazarus/objective Pascal with synapse library.

Is the arduino broken? What should I do now?

I can post the arduino code if it helps..


I can post the arduino code if it helps..

I can't imagine any possible way for anyone to tell you what is wrong without it.

The sender code may be helpful too, if you really want it diagnosed.

Is the arduino broken? What should I do now?

If the serial monitor works, then it is probably a problem in the Lazarus/objective Pascal with synapse library.