Serial data going missing intermitently at end of string

yeah not going to be posting the whole project just for a question about how serial behaves.

Please read the forum guidelines to get an idea of the kinds of information that we need to be able to help you.

Post the code of the master and slave. When you read the forum guidelines there is a section that explains the proper way to post code in code tags. Use the IDE autoformat tool (ctrl-t or Tools, Auto format) before posting code in code tags.

Please post a schematic. It would be very helpful to know how the components are wired. Hand drawn, photographed and posted is fine. Include all pin names/numbers, components, their part numbers and/or values and power supplies.

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whole project? no.. but perhaps your incoming serial parsing approach would allow some suggestions.

I guess to start things off..

are you using starting and ending characters to define your 'packet' (start and end of data being sent)

So what's the question?

Are you talking about Serial or about the UART; there is a difference depending on the board that you use (hint).

Serial behaves very well as long as you regularly read the characters that arrive; else the software receive buffer overflows and you will loose data. At the sending side it can block your code if you send more than the software transmit buffer can hold.

If you use a board with native USB (where Serial is not the same as UART) that is externally powered, you can bring it to a near grinding halt when you disconnect USB.

Serial missing on receive or transmit?

Why did you bump 2 month old thread where OP clearly has no intention of sharing their code?

  • didnt realize it was 2 months

  • didnt want to share WHOLE project (as stated).. but that isnt needed

  • who cares?

  • why are YOU posting?

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