Serial data transfer + LED blinking + Button count


I have written code that sends data over bluetooth continuously at about 10Hz (but with a 200ms delay its down to 5 Hz now)....along with this it needs to turn on an LED for 1 second and OFF for 8 seconds.Additionally it needs to count 2 successive button presses and flicker the LED.

I have tried using the Metro library and the Timed action library.The metro library gave me the desired 1 sec On and 8 sec OFF result but it made my serial transmission every 8 seconds instead of every 1 sec.(it obviously was taking in the 8000 ms delay into account for the whole program).
With the timed action library I was doing serial transmission and blinking in parallel but the ON and OFF both lasted 1 sec.Since I do not know how to use the setInterval() I had issues getting the 1 sec On and 8 sec OFF functionality.

It would be great if i could know the best way to make my circuit do these three things in parallel to each other without affecting each other's timing.
