serial i/o rec and tx at different speed possible?

Hi, wanted to rec in at 4800b and tx at 2400b, is it possible (not a mega). serial begin function defines both rec and transmit at the same speed.

Hi, wanted to rec in at 4800b and tx at 2400b, is it possible (not a mega). serial begin function defines both rec and transmit at the same speed.

I suspect not, but the answer is inside the hardware serial library in the Arduino core. However there is nothing preventing you from using the hardware serial to receive and use the software serial library ( on any pin you wish) to transmit on a different baud rates.


Awsome Guru Lefty,

Thats the hint i needed, and it works i can now read nmea data form my gps mouse at 4800 and display it on my serial lcd which can only runs at 2400b (ancient serial lcd module left over from my picaxe days). BTW which part of the world are you? I am in NZ...


BTW which part of the world are you? I am in NZ...

Just across the pond from you. California, San Francisco bay area, little town called Hercules. Maybe on a clear day with no fog I could see your house? :wink:
