Hi, guys. i want to transfer the data out to PC via USB Serial interface or Serial com port interface.
but i have following requirements.
I am acquiring a data from adc 8 channel. and it stores its value in buffer.
now what i want to do is, i want to trasnfer this data from the buffer to PC after acquisition finished.
so whenever adc finished the conversion and prepared data it should AUTOMATICALLY send data out on GUI.
This will not continues acquisition, it happens at intervals.
ON GUI is based on LabVIEW.
But now problem is i need to keep this GUI running continuously to get the data. i do not want this to do again and again. if there is any other option i am ready to take suggestion.
so whenever adc finished the conversion and prepared data it should AUTOMATICALLY send data out on GUI.
The Arduino will have no idea what is on the other end of the serial port. So "send data out on GUI" does not make sense from the Arduino's perspective.
Nor from mine, a matter of fact.
i am looking for the code and GUI both.
You apparently already have code for the Arduino. You need to share that code, so we have some idea HOW you are storing the data and some idea how you know that the "adc finished the conversion".
As for the GUI, what language(s) do you know that YOU could use to develop a GUI using? We have NO idea how you want to display the data. There are probably plenty of existing choices, but we don't know if you are looking for a scrolling list of values, a plot, or something like a thermometer showing the most recent value.
Dear PaulS, you are making this very complicated for me.
let me guide if u really have done something.
if i reading analog voltage on adc pins and i want to send it to any GUI u can say a basic serial read GUI.
I want to store that value on excel file .
but i want to automatically update the gui and excel file after 1 min interval.
i told u this is concept what i want to make. you said that i have a code. there is nothing like sharing code. i am thinking of keeping analogRead in for loop. taking 100 samples store on buffer. then empty this buffer using SerialPrintln command.
if i knew everything i would not have been here for a help.
The buffer that you are using is NOT emptied by printing the data to the serial port. You might have some function that prints to the serial port AND clears the buffer, but just printing does not empty any buffer.
We are making no progress, because you keep adding requirements with posting any code.
You should probably also look at Serial Input Basics which was written more recently.
If I need a GUI now I write it for a browser using HTML and CSS and the Python Bottle web framework. I find that much easier than something like TKInter.
It runs the ADC with an interrupt service routine in a burst (e.g. each channel is read as fast as possible and then the multiplexer is changed to the next channel). It fills a buffer of the eight channels on an ATmega328p. The command processor outputs up to 5 of those channels as JSON formatted data on the UART. I have no clue if LabVIEW can handle the JSON data but the ADC firmware may give you some ideas (the data readback is not from a single burst, and I need to fix that).
The delay between each burst is set by ADC_DELAY_MILSEC in main.c, and the serial output of selected channels repeats at a rate set by SERIAL_PRINT_DELAY_MILSEC in analog.c
any problem if English is not my first language.?
That is not a problem - and your use of English is good. But sometimes there can be confusion when someone is not using his/her native language and you need to allow for that.
If you have LabView and know how to use it then do so. (Just be aware that most people here don't know LabView.)