Is there a way to set interrupt for serial rx pin on esp8266?
This is a function in my code that sends data to the sensor and gets the response back.
I want to send the data in my main loop and continue doing the rest of the code and when the response is received from the serial and rx pin, I interrupt the code to read the response.
why i want to do this ?? because the response time of my sensor is 1 second and i want to remove this 1 second gap
const byte ph[] = { 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x64, 0x38 }; //NPK
byte ph_values[8];
void multi_sensor_ph_detect() {
uint32_t startTime;
uint8_t i;
uint32_t checkserial;
// flush the receive buffer
checkserial = millis();
while (millis() - checkserial <= 100UL) {
while (mod.available()) mod.read();
mod.write(ph, sizeof(ph));
i = 0;
startTime = millis();
// wait for up to 500ms for a response
while (millis() - startTime <= 1000UL) {
if (mod.available() && i < sizeof(ph_values)) {
ph_values[i++] = mod.read();
// if(i>2&&i<5){
float ph_reg3and4 = ((ph_values[3] << 8) + ph_values[4]);
ph_reg3and4 = ph_reg3and4 / 100;
pubPH = ph_reg3and4;
//Serial.println("PH : "+(String)ph_reg3and4+"");
if (ph_reg3and4 >= 0) {
NPKPublish = 1;
PHtrigger = 1;
PHtriggerPUB = 1;
OtherParameterignore = 0;
Serial.println("PH : " + (String)ph_reg3and4 + "");
int ph;
ph = (int)(pubPH * 10L);
if (phcomp != ph) {
phcomp = ph;
client.publish(toCharArray("/angizeh/" + SerialNumber + "/02/PH"), toCharArray(String(pubPH)));
oneWillPH = true;
if (PHtrigger != 1) {
OtherParameterignore = 1;
NPKPublish = 0;
Serial.println("check NPK sensor");
if (oneWillPH == true) {
client.publish(toCharArray("/angizeh/" + SerialNumber + "/02/Will"), toCharArray("Check Sensor"));
PHtriggerPUB = 0;
oneWillPH = false;
PHtrigger = 0;