I'm working with UNO32, and I would like to use serial communication but through interrupt. For example, if a serial data arrived, an interrupt is trigger, and I process the data.
The chipKIT "UNO32" is not an Arduino and does not have an ATmega processor so you're going to have trouble getting help here for it. I would start reading the datasheet for the PIC32MX320F128 to see how to work with the hardware serial port. Good luck!
Serial data delivery is already interrupt based. Why is not checking Serial.available() in loop() sufficient?
For example with the timer2, I use:
void __ISR(_TIMER_2_VECTOR,IPL3AUTO) comms2_handler(void)
perhaps something like:
void __ISR(_UART_1_VECTOR,IPL3AUTO) comms2_handler(void)
S e r i a l d a t a a r r i v e s s l o w l y.
I still don't see why the arrival of one byte needs to interrupt the Arduino. What else is it doing?
I need this interrupt because in the same time I have several timers, and I want to manage special priorities order.
I have found the solution:
#include <plib.h> /* this gives the i/o definitions */
boolean received;
void setup()
void loop()
if (received)
extern "C" {
void __ISR(_UART_1_VECTOR, ipl4) U1_ISR(void)
// Clear the RX interrupt Flag
// Handle Character
and now I can choose the IPL I want!