Serial message between 2 Arduinos using xbees - receiving garbage

Ladies and Gents,

I am stuck with this little issue and searching could not help either.

I have a setup of 2 Arduinos connected with xbees.
The sending Arduino is sending this message every 5 seconds:

int MeasurementID = 1;
Serial.print("<");               // Start Char
Serial.print(">");           // end char


The receiving Arduino is using this code:

void setup() {

void loop() {
  while(mySerial.available() > 0) {
    char inChar =;

On the serial monitor I receive this:

<???? <

probably best to post all the code for both. Is MeasurementID possibly a non printable value?

You are using software serial port?

Is it running at 57600? That is too fast for software serial,if you are doing it.

Thanks for your hint on checking the baudrate.

In the Softwareserial description I found:
" It is possible to have multiple software serial ports with speeds up to 115200 bps."
So I thought I was ok... but:

Nevertheless I changed by baudrate down to 9600 and it solved my problem. Strange though.

My most recent test over a year ago was 38400. YMMY