I run a ECE lab and have students trying to send a very basic Hello World code. Those on Macbook are seeing something on their Serial Monitor that I've not see before--and it seems dependent on when they have their Serial Monitor open.
IF they have the Serial Monitor up (output clear) as they upload the code to their Arduino, the first thing that pops up is "Helo World!"--misspelled and everything--followed by "Hello World!" on the same line of the Serial Monitor.
If they open it AFTER they uploading is done, the serial monitor show "Hel" and then shows "Hello World!".
If they hit the hard reset on their Arduino, it functions normally from that point forward. This is only happening with my students using a Mac...not a Windows OS.
Code is below...again, super basic...never seen it do this before. We're running 1.8.19.
void setup() {
Serial.println("Hello world!");
void loop() {