Why does turning on the IDE's Serial monitor shut off all the outputs on the board for a few seconds ? is the run of the main loop interrupted while the monitor "connects" ?
Thank you.
Why does turning on the IDE's Serial monitor shut off all the outputs on the board for a few seconds ? is the run of the main loop interrupted while the monitor "connects" ?
Thank you.
The board resets when you open the monitor.
(This is expected behaviour, and not an installation or troubleshooting issue)
Adding to @anon73444976 reply, this is not the case for all boards. So your information is incomplete (hint: next time indicate which board you use).
The reason of the behaviour is that a reset of your board first invokes the bootloader so you can upload code.
You can usually (depending on which board) disable the autoreset either temporarily or permantly.
Your post was MOVED to its current location as it is more suitable.
Sorry for neglecting the board info - I've tried it on Uno and on Uno WIFI Rev.2
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