Serial monitor not showing output

I am building a datalogger for an environmental project using an Arduino Pro mini board connected to two ADS1115s to record sensor readings. Although I completed my wiring and uploaded the code correctly, the output cannot be captured on the serial monitor. When I connect the ADCs individually using the default address, it seems to work but does not work when I address them separately. What do you think might be the problem? I have the code for your perusal.

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1X15.h>
#include <fp64lib.h>
#include <SD.h> //consider replacing this with SDFat if it's still not behaving // added#include <DS1307RTC.h> 

Adafruit_ADS1115 ads1;  // ADDR to GND
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads2;  // ADDR to SCL

class Double {
    Double()        { x = 0ULL; }
    Double( double f )    { x = fp64_sd( f ); }
    Double( float f )   { x = fp64_sd( f ); }
    Double( int16_t n )   { x = fp64_int16_to_float64( n ); }
    Double( uint16_t n )  { x = fp64_uint16_to_float64( n ); }
    Double( const Double& d ) { x = d.x; }
    const char* toString() { 
      return fp64_to_string( x, 17, 15);
    Double operator+=( const Double& y ) {
      this->x = fp64_add( this->x, y.x );
      return( *this );
    Double operator+( const Double& y ) {
      Double res;
      res.x = fp64_add( this->x, y.x );
      return( res );
    Double operator-=( const Double& y ) {
      this->x = fp64_sub( this->x, y.x );
      return( *this );
    Double operator-( const Double& y ) {
      Double res;
      res.x = fp64_sub( this->x, y.x );
      return( res );
    Double operator*=( const Double& y ) {
      this->x = fp64_mul( this->x, y.x );
      return( *this );
    Double operator*( const Double& y ) {
      Double res;
      res.x = fp64_mul( this->x, y.x );
      return( res );
    Double operator/=( const Double& y ) {
      this->x = fp64_div( this->x, y.x );
      return( *this );
    Double operator/( const Double& y ) {
      Double res;
      res.x = fp64_div( this->x, y.x );
      return( res );
    Double operator%=( const Double& y ) {
      this->x = fp64_fmod( this->x, y.x );
      return( *this );
    Double operator%( const Double &y ) {
      Double res;
      res.x = fp64_fmod( this->x, y.x );
      return( res );
      float64_t x;

Double adc0, adc1, adc2, adc3;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
Double adc0_mV, adc1_mV, adc2_mV, adc3_mV;
Double adc4, adc5, adc6, adc7;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
Double adc4_mV, adc5_mV, adc6_mV, adc7_mV;

bool reading_request_phase = true;     //selects our phase //added this and 2 other commands below
uint32_t next_poll_time = 0;           //holds the next time we receive a response, in milliseconds
const unsigned int response_delay = 1000; //how long we wait to receive a response, in milliseconds

void setup(void)

  ads1.begin(0x48);  // ADDR to GND
  ads2.begin(0x49);  // ADDR to SCL
  Serial.println("Getting single-ended readings from AIN0..3");
  //Serial.println("ADC Range: +/- 6.144V (1 bit = 3mV)");
  //ads1115.begin();  // ads1115 sketch ends here

void loop(void)

  //int16_t adc1, adc2, adc3;
  //float adc0_d;

  adc0 = ads1.readADC_SingleEnded(0); adc0_mV = ((adc0 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc1 = ads1.readADC_SingleEnded(1); adc1_mV = ((adc1 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc2 = ads1.readADC_SingleEnded(2);adc2_mV = ((adc2 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc3 = ads1.readADC_SingleEnded(3);adc3_mV = ((adc3 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);

  adc4 = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(0); adc4_mV = ((adc4 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc5 = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(1); adc5_mV = ((adc5 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc6 = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(2);adc6_mV = ((adc6 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);
  adc7 = ads2.readADC_SingleEnded(3);adc7_mV = ((adc7 * 5.0 * 1000.0 * 3)/65536.0);

  Serial.print("Ferrous: "); Serial.print(adc0_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("Ferric: "); Serial.print(adc1_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("Sulfate: "); Serial.print(adc2_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("Sulfide: "); Serial.print(adc3_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.println(" ");

  Serial.print("pH: "); Serial.print(adc4_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("DO: "); Serial.print(adc5_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("ORP: "); Serial.print(adc6_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.print("CO2: "); Serial.print(adc7_mV.toString()); Serial.println("mV)");
  Serial.println(" ");

Please, show example pictures of "not showing output" and "seems to work but does not work."

Post an annotated schematic showing how you wired it with both converters. Be sure to show all connections, power, ground and power sources. Please note any wire leads over 10" or 25 cm in length.

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