Serial monitor not working 2023


I tested my Adafruit Sensor Feather nRF52480 board with supplied examples without issue.

Now just hours later I cannot get any serial monitor output with the same sketches. No modification of any kind.

I tried the light blinking example just to make sure the board was getting input and it worked fine. Any idea why the serial monitor would just quit working?

Thank you

Maybe it's your code? Yes, I know that you said that you did not change anything :wink: Did you try with a simple example like printing "hello world"?

Do you have the baudrate dropdown in the IDE (at the right just above the serial monitor)?
Have you tried to reset your board?

See @sterretje

Maybe the IDE baud changed. Verify Serial.print(baud) matches the IDE (lower right on 2.0.3).

I tried that. I also tried putting a delay for the serial port before any other execution. I also tried using USBSerial.

The exact same pre-made sketch worked, then it did not work.

I am completely lost.

Yes. I have tried all that.

Exact same example sketches. It worked, then two hours later it did not. Same on all examples sketches in the base install. The serial monitor just stopped working.

"Reseat" (unplug & plugin) the USB at the card and at the COMM. Check that any pins are not touching the wrong thing. (call me crazy) smell the board for burn order.

Is the "usb" cable an original "dongle?"

So your steps are

  1. load a simple sketch "Hello wold". Preferably with a counter showing some changing data.
  2. You observe serial monitor and see "Hello world" scrolling in there
  3. You go away for a few hours
  4. You come back and the serial monitor does not display anything any more
  5. If you clear the serial monitor, it still does not show anything?

Is that what happens?

When serial monitor does not show anything any more, is the TX LED (I assume your board has one) still flashing? Which operating system are you using?

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