Serial monitor question


I’m wondering if I start an arduino sketch disconnected from my computer, collect data from sensors into SRAM, can I then connect my arduino to my computer without power cycling and read those values off on my serial monitor?

If so, how would I do this? Plugging my arduino into my PC directly won’t work

Use a kosher terminal, like RealTerm. The serial monitor isn't really meant for thsi sort of thing.

If it is a stock avr based Arduino you may find it will restart when you connect to it over usb RS232. That is by design.

There’s plenty of discussions around this forum and the net about how to prevent that behaviour.

I’ve never tried to prevent the reset action, but I think you’ll trade off easy programming as a you may have to restart it manually.

The simplest way to avoid the auto-reset is to use a USB-TTL cable to connect the PC directly to Rx Tx and GND rather than using the regular USB connector.

Use the regular USB connector for uploading code.


+1 to robin was just about to suggest an FTDI cable. Just don’t wire to the reset line like you’ll see suggested many places!