I know this sound silly but could we please be allowed to change the Font size for the Serial Monitor? I know the Arduino IDE allows us to change it's font size for the IDE (I run the IDE around font size 12), but it seems the Serial Monitor font is stuck at 6. Maybe I missed something that lets you change it (If I have please let me know). But it's like I have to get out my 1000X glasses to read anything flashing across the Serial Monitor Window.
Maybe like issue 550. I filed this bug after helping someone with limited vision get started with Arduino. Sadly, he just couldn't make use of the serial monitor.
I uploaded another patch to issue 550. This new patch makes both the serial monitor and console panel (error messages) use the editor font size selected in Preferences.
I would really like to see the serial monitor and console font size patch be incorporated into Arduino. The above patch seems like the perfect solution for someone such as myself who has a hard time seeing the monitor and console. I use a font size of 20 on the editor, and then I have to lean forward and squint at the console or monitor. Please consider including this feature or some variant which allows setting all three or individually. That would really help Thanks very much for your consideration