Serial Monitors and Nanos with different baud rate; issue

I am trying to get direct values from an MPU6050 while using a Nano. The code used called for the serial monitor baud rate to be 115200. Upon uploading, I was able to see the serial monitor print the rate for less than 2 seconds. (I have tried re-uploading and it's hit or miss every time I reupload) After researching this, an Arduino Form, several years back stated to add a delay to make up for the difference in the baud rates. I have tried multiple baud rates from 1-12, each is a hit and miss always cutting off before 10 seconds, with no consistency.

here's the code

  Electronic Level
  Uses MPU-6050 IMU
  Displays on 128x64 OLED and LED
  DroneBot Workshop 2019

// Include Wire Library for I2C
#include <Wire.h>
// Define I2C Address - change if reqiuired
const int i2c_addr = 0x3F;

//Variables for Gyroscope
int gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;
long gyro_x_cal, gyro_y_cal, gyro_z_cal;
boolean set_gyro_angles;

long acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, acc_total_vector;
float angle_roll_acc, angle_pitch_acc;

float angle_pitch, angle_roll;
int angle_pitch_buffer, angle_roll_buffer;
float angle_pitch_output, angle_roll_output;

// Setup timers and temp variables
long loop_timer;
int temp;

// Display counter
int displaycount = 0;

void setup() {

  //Start I2C
  //Setup the registers of the MPU-6050                                                       
  //Read the raw acc and gyro data from the MPU-6050 1000 times                                          
  for (int cal_int = 0; cal_int < 1000 ; cal_int ++){                  
    //Add the gyro x offset to the gyro_x_cal variable                                            
    gyro_x_cal += gyro_x;
    //Add the gyro y offset to the gyro_y_cal variable                                              
    gyro_y_cal += gyro_y; 
    //Add the gyro z offset to the gyro_z_cal variable                                             
    gyro_z_cal += gyro_z; 
    //Delay 3us to have 250Hz for-loop                                             

  // Divide all results by 1000 to get average offset
  gyro_x_cal /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_y_cal /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_z_cal /= 1000;
  // Start Serial Monitor                                                 
  // Init Timer 
  loop_timer = micros();                                               

void loop(){

  // Get data from MPU-6050
  //Subtract the offset values from the raw gyro values
  gyro_x -= gyro_x_cal;                                                
  gyro_y -= gyro_y_cal;                                                
  gyro_z -= gyro_z_cal;                                                
  //Gyro angle calculations . Note 0.0000611 = 1 / (250Hz x 65.5)
  //Calculate the traveled pitch angle and add this to the angle_pitch variable
  angle_pitch += gyro_x * 0.0000611;  
  //Calculate the traveled roll angle and add this to the angle_roll variable
  //0.000001066 = 0.0000611 * (3.142(PI) / 180degr) The Arduino sin function is in radians                                
  angle_roll += gyro_y * 0.0000611; 
  //If the IMU has yawed transfer the roll angle to the pitch angle
  angle_pitch += angle_roll * sin(gyro_z * 0.000001066);
  //If the IMU has yawed transfer the pitch angle to the roll angle               
  angle_roll -= angle_pitch * sin(gyro_z * 0.000001066);               
  //Accelerometer angle calculations
  //Calculate the total accelerometer vector
  acc_total_vector = sqrt((acc_x*acc_x)+(acc_y*acc_y)+(acc_z*acc_z)); 
  //57.296 = 1 / (3.142 / 180) The Arduino asin function is in radians
  //Calculate the pitch angle
  angle_pitch_acc = asin((float)acc_y/acc_total_vector)* 57.296; 
  //Calculate the roll angle      
  angle_roll_acc = asin((float)acc_x/acc_total_vector)* -57.296;       
  //Accelerometer calibration value for pitch
  angle_pitch_acc -= 0.0;
  //Accelerometer calibration value for roll                                              
  angle_roll_acc -= 0.0;                                               

  //If the IMU has been running 
  //Correct the drift of the gyro pitch angle with the accelerometer pitch angle                      
    angle_pitch = angle_pitch * 0.9996 + angle_pitch_acc * 0.0004; 
    //Correct the drift of the gyro roll angle with the accelerometer roll angle    
    angle_roll = angle_roll * 0.9996 + angle_roll_acc * 0.0004;        
    //IMU has just started  
    //Set the gyro pitch angle equal to the accelerometer pitch angle                                                           
    angle_pitch = angle_pitch_acc;
    //Set the gyro roll angle equal to the accelerometer roll angle                                       
    angle_roll = angle_roll_acc;
    //Set the IMU started flag                                       
    set_gyro_angles = true;                                            
  //To dampen the pitch and roll angles a complementary filter is used
  //Take 90% of the output pitch value and add 10% of the raw pitch value
  angle_pitch_output = angle_pitch_output * 0.9 + angle_pitch * 0.1; 
  //Take 90% of the output roll value and add 10% of the raw roll value 
  angle_roll_output = angle_roll_output * 0.9 + angle_roll * 0.1; 
  //Wait until the loop_timer reaches 4000us (250Hz) before starting the next loop  
// Print to Serial Monitor   
 Serial.print(" | Pitch  = "); 
 Serial.print(" | Roll  = "); 

//  if (displaycount > 100) {

  // Print on first row of LCD
 // lcd.setCursor(0,0);
  //lcd.print("Pitch: ");
 // lcd.print(angle_pitch_output);
 // lcd.setCursor(0,1);
 // lcd.print("Roll: ");
//  lcd.print(angle_roll_output);}

 while(micros() - loop_timer < 4000); 
 //Reset the loop timer                                
 loop_timer = micros();


void setup_mpu_6050_registers(){

  //Activate the MPU-6050
  //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  //Send the requested starting register                                       
  //Set the requested starting register                                                  
  //End the transmission                                                    
  //Configure the accelerometer (+/-8g)
  //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  //Send the requested starting register                                       
  //Set the requested starting register                                                 
  //End the transmission                                                   
  //Configure the gyro (500dps full scale)
  //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  //Send the requested starting register                                        
  //Set the requested starting register                                                    
  //End the transmission                                                  

void read_mpu_6050_data(){ 

  //Read the raw gyro and accelerometer data

  //Start communicating with the MPU-6050                                          
  //Send the requested starting register                                      
  //End the transmission                                                    
  //Request 14 bytes from the MPU-6050                                  
  //Wait until all the bytes are received                                       
  while(Wire.available() < 14);
  //Following statements left shift 8 bits, then bitwise OR.  
  //Turns two 8-bit values into one 16-bit value                                       
  acc_x =<<8|;                                  
  acc_y =<<8|;                                  
  acc_z =<<8|;                                  
  temp =<<8|;                                   
  gyro_x =<<8|;                                 
  gyro_y =<<8|;                                 
  gyro_z =<<8|;                                 

What difference is that ?

1-12 are not baud rates, those are numbers like 9600 or 115200.

Did you change the baud rate of the serial monitor to 115200? This is not done automatically, you must do that by yourself ( the selection field on the lower right side of the terminal window )

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