I would like to know if somebody has successfully setup a simple program in order to play one sound
or know if an interesting and working tutorial exists ?
with these kind of parts:
DFPlayer Mini
YX6300 YX5300 UART Control Serial Module MP3 Music Player
V3 Nodemcu-CH340
I notice that with cannot use software serial base library but
we have to use
I try and have no specific errors but even simples examples are not working.
With arduino uno boards no issues.
==> with an arduino uno it is working.
==> with a nodemcu with espsoftwareserial it is not working
I use version 6.8.0 of espsoftwareserial
The only change I made here
are the ports (with arduino uno no issues)
and due to the usage of espsoftware serial (I put the files in src of the library (espsoftwareserial/src at main · plerup/espsoftwareserial · GitHub)) at the root with the ino file) I change the first line
from #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
to #include "SoftwareSerial.h"
No compilation erros but seems to have execution errors (I am a beginner in arduino).
If you want to use the DFPlayerMini, I suggest using the easy to implement library DFPlayerMini_Fast.h. It is installable via the Arduino IDE's Libraries Manager and comes with the following example: