I'm running Arduino 2.0.1 IDE on a Win10 PC loading sketches via a FTDI Basic breakout board. I'm experimenting with ESP-01 tutorials and loading the sketches. For some reason after the sketch loads I do not see the serial debug data on the IDE Serial Monitor. In most cases the sketch works. Its for those sketches that don't work that the debug data would come in handy. Is there a specific baud for the FTDI Basic or ESP-01 I need to use?
Below is code from a working sketch and no serial data.
void setup(){
// Serial port for debugging purposes
// Connect to Wi-Fi
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
It is possible you might experience problems with the very high baud rates like 1000000, but any of the more conservative baud rates like the 115200 you are using in your sketch should be just fine.
The important thing is to make sure the baud rate menu at the top right corner of the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor is set to the same baud rate as the baud rate configured via the Serial.begin call in your sketch:
Do a search for the ESP exception decoder and install it. To my knowledge it does not (yet) work with IDE2.0. You can install IDE 1.8.19 and install the exception decoder in there.
Interesting. My code example is one that appears to run fine on my ESP-01. The screen dump only occurred in the serial monitor after unplugging the FTDI basic a couple times, probably not recommended.
The baud rates match code and the serial monitor. Is there something in a firewall or antivirus that could block the serial communication?