Hi all, newbie here.
I'm going to purchase a used Citizen Dot Matrix iDP 3551 Printer online. I'm not for certain if this is the parallel or serial interface model based on the description which reads:
"Interface Serial (RS-232C) Parallel (CENTRONICS.complaint)"
I have seen examples using a max233 chip to interface with rs-232c. If this is the parallel interface model will there be a problem communicating with it using the Duemilanove? I have a breadboard,hookup wire and basic tools.
What other parts will I need specifically to make this work for serial and or parallel?
From that description it sounds like it has both interfaces. Whch some old priners actually did have.
You should be able to use the max232 to do the level shift from Arduino. But as a recent thread in the forum mentions. other cheaper IC's will do the same.
If you wan to control the printer, you will need very detiled documentation on the interface you choose and on the specs of how to communicate with the printer. I did something like that years and years ago because i needed to conrol the positioning of the printhaed with more accuracy than the "default methods" allowed. It was not exactly easy.
Great. I have the manual and it specifies all sorts of command codes,modes, bits, and tons of other stuff I don't understand which is good news. When I dive into it I'll probably have more questions.