Serial ouptut interpretation of HEX

Hello everyone,

I am working on my RS485 bustelegram and reserved 2 bytes as command word stored as short. To send the telegram as whole package 'transform' the short to fit into an char array.

short command = 0xABCD;
char DATA[16] = {};

DATA[0] = (command>>8) & 0xFF;
DATA[1] = (command) & 0xFF;

Sending the telegram to the slave yields in this output on the serial monitor


which I have received via RS485. This data is stored in an char array on the slave. There I rebuilt the command short.



Serial.print("DEC "); Serial.println(RECEIVE_COMMAND ,DEC);
Serial.print("HEX "); Serial.println(RECEIVE_COMMAND ,HEX);
Serial.print("BIN "); Serial.println(RECEIVE_COMMAND ,BIN);

This results in

DEC -21555
BIN 11111111111111111010101111001101

This would mean, the short needs 4 bytes, but only 2 bytes are send via RS485. Where are the additional bytes come from?

I wrote a quick running example which should outline my problem better

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {


void loop() {
  short var = 0xABCD;

  char DATA[2];

  DATA[0] = (0xABCD >> 8) & 0xFF;
  DATA[1] = (0xABCD) & 0xFF;

  Serial.print("VAR: "); Serial.println(var,HEX);

  Serial.print("DAT: "); Serial.print(DATA[0],HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(DATA[1],HEX);

  short rec_var = (DATA[1] & 0xFF) + (DATA[0] << 8);

  Serial.print("REC: "); Serial.print(rec_var,HEX);



can you post the transmit and receive code?

Your signed integer values (char, short, int, long) get sign-extended when converted to a longer type.

Serial.print() prints all signed integers as 'long'. For DECimal it isn't a problem since all those sign-extended bits just show up as a minus-sign. For HEXadecimal and BINary the sign extension is sorely visible. I recommend casting your signed values to unsigned values of the same length:

Serial.print("DEC "); Serial.println(RECEIVE_COMMAND ,DEC);
Serial.print("HEX "); Serial.println((unsigned short)RECEIVE_COMMAND ,HEX);
Serial.print("BIN "); Serial.println((unsigned short)RECEIVE_COMMAND ,BIN);
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This means that the process data only holds the value I intend?


and is only represented as per definition of the print method


Thanks for the clarification. Since my telegram has a fixed length and a short only has 2 bytes no additional bytes can be smuggled in. I just was not sure why I am seeing seemingly wrong data.

would unsigned short have the same problem? or would it produce 0x000ABCD?

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {


void loop() {
  // short var = 0xABCD;
  unsigned short var = 0xABCD;

  char DATA[2];

  DATA[0] = (0xABCD >> 8) & 0xFF;
  DATA[1] = (0xABCD) & 0xFF;

  Serial.print("VAR: "); Serial.print(var,HEX); Serial.print(" | "); Serial.println(var,BIN);

  Serial.print("DAT: "); Serial.print(DATA[0],HEX); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(DATA[1],HEX);

  unsigned short rec_var = (DATA[1] & 0xFF) + (DATA[0] << 8);
  // short rec_var = (DATA[1] & 0xFF) + (DATA[0] << 8);

  Serial.print("REC: "); Serial.println(rec_var,HEX);



with unsigned short the values are correctly displayed.

No, because Serial.print() doesn't put in the '0x' prefix and suppresses leading zeroes. An 'unsigned short' or 'uint16_t' containing 0xABCD would print out as ABCD. If it had the value 0x0123 it would print out as 123.

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