I'm sure this part previous ran a sketch of mine with serial output to monitor at 57600.
Now it runs OK at most baud rates but at 14400 and 57600 the first 80+ characters are not correctly sent/received.
Each reset produces similar (but not identical) output for the garbled bytes.
Then it seems to "sync up" and additional output is fine!
ardweeny http://www.solarbotics.com/products/kardw
This board uses an ATmega328P and a 16MHz resonator.
Another ardweeny runs fine at 57600!
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
sketch begins ...
void setup (){
Serial.begin( 57600 );
Serial.write( "\n EEPROMDump 1.09 (c) 2012 DennisGerman@Real-World-Systems.com LED_BUILTIN: ");