Hi everyone,
apologies if this has been posted before - but I could not find a matching problem to mine. I am pretty new to the whole arduino and programming thing.
I am working on a 'Security GSM Alarm' System. In order to try out the functionality of the AT commands to the SIM800L breakout, I want to pass commands through the Serial Monitor. And I simply cannot get it to work.
The problem is : when I have the Serial monitor open, I can type my command, but it doesn't appear in the window below and I am not getting the normal 'OK' response.
The code I used has worked before - And the (blind) sending SMS commands using the SIM800.println("ATCOMMANDS"); command which still works fine, even without any command feedback from the breakout.
I have the SIM800L board with a dedicated 5V input. I power it with a 2.4A external supply and the board is starting up fine and connects to the network okay ( blinks at 3sec interval).
The wiring is :
SIM800L :
5V - External 5V+
GND - Common gnd Arduino + SIM
TX - D7 pin on Nano
RX - D8 pin on Nano
GND - Commond gnd Arduino + SIM
I have changed the code 10000times now but this is what I am currently trying:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SIM800( 7, 8 ); // RX, TX
void setup()
SIM800.begin(9600);Serial.println("Setup done");
}void loop()
if (SIM800.available())
Serial.write(SIM800.read());if (Serial.available())
I am thinking of possible problem sources :
a) I fried the board somehow - but I am not sure how that would have happened ...
b) the Serial Monitor of the IDE is not working properly
c) the Breakout is set at a different baud rate ?
d) the timing between Serial.read() and Serial.write() needs to be different ?
I am a real newbie on this topic - but I would be very grateful if someone could give me some pointers.
Many Thanks.