Serial port issue?


I have connected an EasyCAT shield to an Arduino and am getting the expected printouts in the serial monitor when I include the line below in my code -


Separately I have connected a [DMX shield](Arduino DMX Shield - DFRobot Arduino DMX shield is,the top of the" arduino.&text="The MAX485 based shield can,Slave and as RDM transponder.) to my Arduino and I am able to control a Light with a loop function like this -

void loop() {
  static int dimmer_val;
  dmx_master.setChannelValue ( 1, dimmer_val++ );  
  delay ( 100 );

I want to be able to connect both shields to the same Arduino and use the value from the EasyCAT to control the DMX, for example -

dmx_master.setChannelValue ( 1, EASYCAT.BufferOut.Byte[0] );

But the code wasn't even loading onto the Arduino and I understand that it may be because both the EasyCAT and Conceptinetics library want to use the serial port.

Does anyone know any ways round this?

ON an Arduino Uno you could use software-serial for a second serial connection.
Or change-over to an Arduino Mega which has 3 hardware serialinterfaces

best regards Stefan

Mega has 4 hardware serial.
Serial() is connected to the USB/Serial adapter.
Serial1(), Serial2(), and Serial3() are only connected to IO pins. Each could be connected to an FTDI Basic or equivalent and also connected to a USB port on a PC if desired. Or to a Raspberry Pi as another example.
If connecting to the devices at 0/5V levels, don't forget the Gnd connection.

Thanks, very helpful.

This lead to further research where I discovered the use of the serial port in the EasyCAT library is not essential - only for initialisation feedback, so it can be removed.

Looking forward to making a project in the future which does use two serial ports!