I have tried to plug in my new device, an arduino board and subsequently tried to run the basic script, called " Blink", it kept on giving me an error messge which tells me "Serial port 'COM1' not found. To solve this problem, I then tried to select a serial port from Tool menu. After this I found out that serial port selection was greyed out. Have you encountered this problem before? I am a bit worried about this. Do you think my windows OS 7 is imcompatible with the new board?
I have tried to plug in my new device, an arduino board and subsequently tried to run the basic script, called " Blink", it kept on giving me an error messge which tells me "Serial port 'COM1' not found. To solve this problem, I then tried to select a serial port from Tool menu. After this I found out that serial port selection was greyed out. Have you encountered this problem before? I am a bit worried about this. Do you think my windows OS 7 is imcompatible with the new board?
Well it sounds like you didn't install the windows USB driver (or correctly) that supports the board. Are you sure you performed the installation steps that allow the PC to recongnize the board when it's first plugged into the USB port?
Hi Lefty,
Yes, I followed all the procedures listed in http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows.
However, the serial port was still unable to be selected.
According to this site, it tells "You can check that the drivers have been installed by opening the Windows Device Mananger (in the Hardware tab of System control panel). Look for a "USB Serial Port" in the Ports section; that's the Arduino board. "
When I opened the Widows Device Manager as instructed, I could not find a "USB Serial Port"
or the Ports section. What do you think is the problem?
I did find an section in the device manager which appears as "Other Devices" and
in this section, USB-Serial Controller was included. However, the problem is
this controller could not be installed, at least that was what it said on the properties.
Are there any ways, I can update the driver software to solve this problem?
So far, I found no luck.......
In Win8.1 I was able to install the Arduino driver by right-clicking on C:\arduino-1.0.5-r2\drivers\arduino.inf and choosing Install from the popup menu.
Hi Lefty,Yes, I followed all the procedures listed in http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows.
However, the serial port was still unable to be selected.
According to this site, it tells "You can check that the drivers have been installed by opening the Windows Device Mananger (in the Hardware tab of System control panel). Look for a "USB Serial Port" in the Ports section; that's the Arduino board. "
When I opened the Widows Device Manager as instructed, I could not find a "USB Serial Port"
or the Ports section. What do you think is the problem?
I did find an section in the device manager which appears as "Other Devices" and
in this section, USB-Serial Controller was included. However, the problem is
this controller could not be installed, at least that was what it said on the properties.
Are there any ways, I can update the driver software to solve this problem?
So far, I found no luck.......
I had the same problem on WinXP (3SP) but not in Win7 with the same board... after too many hours and some cups of coffee I found this: http://www.wch.cn/products.php?page=procontent&id=38 which includes (at the bottom of the page) an exe file with the name ch341ser.exe. I executed it and in less of few seconds the issue solved! This company poduces clones with the same chipsets and microcontrolers but with software that runs. So, the "USB2.0 ser" run out and UNO took a port under "COM & LPT" section.
My serial port is not working ..i have mega 2560 whenever i connect the mega with my pc it shows nothing....is it the problem of usb jack or ic or any software problem.....
My serial port is not working ..i have mega 2560 whenever i connect the mega with my pc it shows nothing....is it the problem of usb jack or ic or any software problem.....
Does the PC make a musical sound like when most USB devices are first connected?
It is not making any sound in the pc when i connect it......
It is not making any sound in the pc when i connect it......
So that would leave bad USB cable or bad board in my mind.
i use lilypad arduino w/ATmega328
to upload the code with FTDI adapter
But the arduino : "serial port not found COM3"
why that happen ??
Check the drivers are installed correctly and that you are not using a fake FTDI chip.
With the board unplugged check tools->port. Then plug it in, check it again. If there is a new port use it, if not you have not got working drivers.
I have an Arduino Leonardo board that I have been successfully programming, on Windows 7 using IDE 1.6.4. but suddenly it is no longer recognized. It does not appear as a device in the computer device manager and it does not show up as available on a port, any port! The green "power" light comes on and the bootloader makes the "L" light blink after the board is reset, but no communication is possible thru Rx/Tx. I had been using pins 0-5 as outputs to LED's, pins 6-7 as outputs to drive solenoids, pins 8-12 as inputs from switches. Circuit driving the solenoids included diodes for back-emf from the solenoids. It had been "working", but I needed to make a small tweek and now I can no longer see the board, even with all other stuff stripped off the Leonardo board. What went wrong? It still runs the program I have loaded, but I cannot get the Rx/Tx lights to blink.
Thanks, I downloaded CH341SER.ZIP, created a folder on the desktop, put CH341SER.zip in that folder, unzipped it and ran the Setup file, it took a moment with nothing then it told me it had successfully installed the driver. Surprise, it works great. It shows up as COM3: on my XP machine. Since I am not very good in non English languages here is the final link. It should be the first file below download. 8/5/2015, lots of luck to all. I also run Mint on this machine and it worked just fine so I knew the hardware was OK.
Great Find,
Thanks Gil
I am having the same problem with the port being greyed out. I have an arduino mega 2560
I am running a dual boot 64 bit laptop with Ubuntu 15.04 and Windows 8.1. (Port is greyed out in both)
I have tried all of the suggestions I can find on the internet and I have so far had no luck.
in windows I have tried device manager and if i plug in or unplug the arduino there is no difference in the usb file, so I guess it is not being detected.
In Ubuntu
I have tried different usb cables
I have tried running as root using sudo
I have tried adding myself to the dialout group
I have tried searching for ls -l /dev/ttyACM0 to give myself permissions for serial out but I get the error No such file or folder
I have also tried ls -l /dev/ttyUSB* with the same results as above
I have tried dsmeg and the arduino is not found
I have tried lsusb and still arduino is not there
I have tried arduino 1.0.5 from the ubuntu software center
I have tried arduino 1.6.5 as a direct download, un tar'd the file and set it all up in the correct folders.
But still nothing
every other aspect of the IDE seems to work except for being able to upload to the board.
The board works ok as I can use it on a desktop PC that has windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.04
I would prefer if I could get it working on the Ubuntu partition as I use that on the most and is much faster than Windows
any other ideas on what I can try would be appreciated
Turns out the board was at fault! after buying a new mega all worked fine
Thanks, I downloaded CH341SER.ZIP, created a folder on the desktop, put CH341SER.zip in that folder, unzipped it and ran the Setup file, it took a moment with nothing then it told me it had successfully installed the driver. Surprise, it works great. It shows up as COM3: on my XP machine. Since I am not very good in non English languages here is the final link. It should be the first file below download. 8/5/2015, lots of luck to all. I also run Mint on this machine and it worked just fine so I knew the hardware was OK.Great Find,
Thanks GilI have also used the file CH341SER.ZIP, and everything is O.K. My system is Windows 8.1
Thanks a lot Gil
CH341SER worked for me on Windows XP.
Thanks for the info.
Are you using the ground on the board? If so unplug anything that is plugged into the ground bus see if you can upload your sketch after that.
I have an Arduino uno and I have a similar problem with there being no serial ports. However I'm on Mac and the uno is already supposed to have drivers so I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it. I have been struggling all day with this and I would very much appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.
@ poisonslicer
Not a mac user but some of the Arduino DO require separate drivers.
If you mac has USB 3 try avoid it and use USB 2 for Arduinos as many have issues with USB 3.
Please post a link to where you purchased your board ?
Also try other cables as some don't always work too well.
Don't use a USB hub unless it has its own power supply.