i'm working on a program that functions as a virtual screen for the arduino. This means that you can send commands through the serial port which get interpreted by a Visual Basic application. You can currently draw lines, rectangles, ellipses and strings/vars. But i have one major problem
I use the serialport.datareveived event, and everything works well for the variable sending command (see code below), but for all the other commands the arduino stops sending data after a while.
I can send thousands of var drawing commands, but after 165 commands for drawRect it stops sending. I really have no clue why this happens.
The code is posted below, the VB is not the whole code since that would take too much space, only the receiving part:
Sub EventHandler(sender As Object, e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles Arduino.DataReceived
Dim datareceived As Boolean
datareceived = False
recStr = ""
'Repeat this until the received byte is 10 (from println(); )
While Not datareceived
Dim recVal As Integer
recVal = Arduino.ReadByte()
If recVal = 10 Or recVal = 13 Then
datareceived = True
recStr = recStr + Chr(recVal)
End If
End While
'This "C" is a drawscreen command that gets everything drawn and clears the list afterwards
If recStr <> "C" Then
'This list keeps track of everything that has to be drawn on the screen and gets erased when "C" is received
End If
End Sub
and the code for the arduino (lib code):
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "serialScreen.h"
void serialScreen::setFont(String string, int fontsize, String style)
string = "F" + string;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + fontsize;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + style;
void serialScreen::drawString(String string, int x, int y)
string = "S" + string;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
void serialScreen::drawVar(int var, int x, int y)
String string = "S";
string = string + var;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
void serialScreen::drawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
String string = "R";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + w;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + h;
void serialScreen::fillRect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
String string = "Q";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + w;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + h;
void serialScreen::drawEllipse(int x, int y, int w, int h)
String string = "E";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + w;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + h;
void serialScreen::fillEllipse(int x, int y, int w, int h)
String string = "D";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + w;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + h;
void serialScreen::drawLine(int x, int y, int xb, int yb)
String string = "L";
string = string + x;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + y;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + xb;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + yb;
void serialScreen::setBrush(String string)
string = "B" + string;
void serialScreen::setPen(String string, int width)
string = "P" + string;
string = string + ",,";
string = string + width;
void serialScreen::drawScreen()
I hope someone understands my problem and can help me figuring out what's the matter here
Thank a lot!