Serial Port Sniffer & 9th bit support

I want to start some research creating a serial port sniffer to analyze a specific protocol (I mean.. spy an existing rs232 serial protocol between two serial devices).
I would like to use Arduino forthis purpose. So I have the following questions I hope somebody may help me :

  • Does arduino supports to have two different serial ports opened and listen them ?

  • The Rs232 serial protocol I need to analyze is very strict and special: 5ms interbyte timming, and 9th bit set on first byte to determine packet start.
    Does arduino UART support 9th bit detection/set ?? What about the interbyte timming, do you think arduino processor would be fast enough to manage it ?

  • Do you think I can have the same results if I use Netduino instead Arduino ?

Thanks in advance for your guidelines !

See this post regarding 9 bit serial:

5ms interbyte timming

That's an eternity for a 16MHz processor.

Does arduino supports to have two different serial ports opened and listen them

The Mega has 4 ports, that will work.

Netduino instead Arduino

AFAIK code for Netduino is written in VB.NET, if so that would have no chance I would think. You don't need power you need speed and a massive OS like VB will get in the way.

If it's true RS232 you need to level shift the signals from +-12v to 0-5v. There are chips that do that.

The Arduino may not be able to analyse and display the data, upload to a PC for that.


AFAIK code for Netduino is written in VB.NET

No, it's written in C#, which is a .NET language, but it is not VB.

OK, I guess working in the same framework it will still have problems with real time stuff though?


But the netduino is is 48Mh z versus 16, so its faster probably evwn with the framework, but arduino language definetly wouldnt help much a arm7 processor