Serial.print and Serial.println on Windows 7 broken

Hi Forum. Sorry this is my first post but it has to be.

Since Arduino 1.05 was released, I have never been able to get Serial.print() or Serial.println() to work.

2nd gripe - Arduino Diecimila boards no longer seem to work with any platform.

Of course this means I cannot debug my projects!

What gives? I've tried in Win7 and Debian Linux. No joy! I'm ready to eat humble pie, but I need to find out ASAP

Step back to 1.04 if 1.05 doesn't work for you.

Also check the (USB-COMPORT) driver , reinstall it can sometimes help...

You can debug your projects much better with ATMEL AVR STUDIO.

It's a free and professional tool. There are a lot of tutorials on the net about how to link atmel studio + ardunio.

Go check it out!