November 30, 2014, 8:51am
I inserted a code line like: Serial.print(x);
I seems that this modifies the variable x to a very low value/
In my sketch x was defined as a LONG
See both small examples in the attachements.
Who can explain this problem?
UTouch_QuickDraw.ino (1.13 KB)
with_print.ino (1.23 KB)
November 30, 2014, 11:11am
long x, y;
Just how big IS your touch screen? It's hard to imagine it being more than 32,768 pixels long or high.
November 30, 2014, 12:49pm
if ((x!=-1) and (y!=-1))
"and" ?? Where does THAT come from, and is it actually doing what you think it is doing?
I'm pretty certain that print is NOT broken. What makes you think that x and y are having their value changed by print? There's nothing in your examples that does anything with them after they were printed...
November 30, 2014, 12:55pm
(huh. I guess "and" is a C++ thing...)
November 30, 2014, 9:38pm
(huh. I guess "and" is a C++ thing...)
No, it's an Arduino thing. Another stupidity passed off to prevent users from actually learning to program properly.
Can you give a link to your libraries please? The exact file? I got:
404 - Page not found
I am sorry, but the page you have requested no longer exists (or has never existed).
I am not sure what you have done to deserve this, but it was probably very bad.
I have no idea what you are looking for...
If you got here by clicking on a link on another site I would appreciate it if you could notify the admin of the offending server.