Thanks for all the guidance regarding the post on bluetooth! I was able to overcome that error, however another one has occur.
char b;
char string0='W';
char string1='A';
value0 = analogRead(flexPin0); //Read and save analog value from potentiometer
value0 = map(value0, 700, 900, 0, 255);//Map value 0-1023 to 0-255 (PWM)
delay (100);
value1 = analogRead(flexPin1);
value1 = map(value1, 700, 900, 0, 255);//Map value 0-1023 to 0-255 (PWM)
delay (100);
if (value0 >= 620)
Serial.println(b);//Read and save analog value from potentiometer
} else if (value1 >=620)
Serial.println(b);//Read and save analog value from potentiometer
So the above is just segments of my overall code. As seen, value0 and value1 will be the value of sensors and once it reaches 620, the char b will be equal to string0 or value1, which holds the character 'W' and 'A'. However, it does not show up in the serial monitor.
value0 = analogRead(flexPin0); //Read and save analog value from potentiometer
Serial.println(value0); //Print value
if (value0 >= 620)
This is the previous code that I used, and it works. However, during this stage, I was only using one sensor, where as now I am using four. Can someone help as to why the upper code will not print the char b?
value0 = analogRead(flexPin0); //Read and save analog value from potentiometer
Serial.println(value0); //Print value
if (value0 >= 620)
If so, then why did this code work ?? All the parameters are the same.