Hey Group! I want to send via serial monitor a vector like x1, x2, x3 and save this data so that I can do some calculation with it... For example something like: x12, x2+3 and x35! With my code I can send the vector to my Arduino and an print it out.. but I can´t do any calculation! My program overwrite the first entry (=x1 and x2)! Or better, I can´t save the entry.. I don´t know how! I hope someone can help me... please! Thank you!!!
PS: sry, for my bad english... i´m from germany!
So here "my" CODE:
// zoomkat 10-29-10 simple delimited ',' string parce
// from serial port input (via serial monitor)
// and print result out serial port
// CR/LF could also be a delimiter
// for IDE 0019 and later
String readString;
void setup() {
Serial.println("serial-delimit-21"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded
Serial.println("Enter the vector in a mode like: x1,x2,x3");
void loop() {
//expect a string like 123, 456,12
//or like hello world,who are you?,bye!,
while (Serial.available()) {
delay(10); //small delay to allow input buffer to fill
char c = Serial.read(); //gets one byte from serial buffer
if (c == ',') {
} //breaks out of capture loop to print readstring
readString += c;
} //makes the string readString
if (readString.length() >0) {
Serial.println(readString); //prints string to serial port out
readString="";} //clears variable for new input
//Serial.println(grad_Angel) //after the calculation
and how can I "save" the input strings??? let´s say I want to calculate: x1x2x3... so it depends on what the user choose for x1, x2 and x3! and therefore they (=x1,x2,x3) has to be saved, or not??? maybe someone has an example how the Code might be...or how I get access of different parts of one string!
yeah, ok a sample input....: x1=12, x2=34, x3=87!!! x1, x2, x3 will allways be integer´s...
in the serial monitor I write...
and because of the "," the user understands that this are 3 different numbers..
but the program reads it as one string! and that´s a little bit my problem... how can I tell the program to read the string as 3 different numbers?
First thing you need to do is send the data properly, with some kind of end of packet marker. If you are sending from the serial monitor, it can add a carriage return automatically. That makes a fine end of packet marker.
Second thing you need to do is read and store data, without the delay, until the end of packet marker arrives. Only what that marker arrives should you process the data.
Third thing you should do is get rid of the String instance and use a char array in it's place.
Fourth thing to do is to look at the documentation for strtok() (NOT strtok_r(). Don't even think about using strtok_r() instead of strtok()).
Fifth thing you need to do is look at the documentation for atoi().
@PaulS: WOW, thank you for your help and all the information!!!
I think I need 1, 2 days to inform myself about all the functions and the other stuff...
But I have found a Code which helps me a lot... [without having strtok()]
// semicolon counter
int sccount = 0;
// index of next character in string
int sindex = 0;
// the string
char c_string[20];
// the three converted integers
int a_int[3];
void setup() {
Serial.println("serial-delimit-21"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded
Serial.println("Enter the vector in a mode like: x1,x2,x3");
void loop()
while(Serial.available() > 0) {
// store the next character
c_string[sindex] = Serial.read();
// If it is a semicolon, count it
if(c_string[sindex++] == ',')sccount++;
// Put a null at the end of the current string
c_string[sindex] = 0;
// If we have two semicolons, we're done
if(sccount == 3)break;
if(sccount == 3) {
// Now parse the string into three integers
sindex = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++) {
a_int[i] = atoi(&c_string[sindex]);
// skip to the next semicolon
while(c_string[sindex] != ',')sindex++;
// skip over the semicolon
// zero the counts just in case there's a next time
sindex = 0;
sccount = 0;
int product=a_int[0]*a_int[1]*a_int[2];
but without the
the program gets sometimes confused.. why?(it swaps a_int[0] and a_int[1])
and for "big" entries like x1=65, x2=75, x3=155 the "product" is wrong (better: I get a negativ number!)
the "product" isn´t a integer anymore... what shall I take?? (double, long, ???)
Hi group! now I have a new problem... I want to enter a 2nd vector and do some calculation with both of them!
in my code I ask for the 2nd vector inside the void loop() function... I´m not sure if this is a "good" solution, because the loop() function repeats again and again.. and that´s why it overwrites the 1st vector and my code never comes to a end! so the program never do the calculation I want...
Here my code:
// semicolon counter
int sccount = 0;
int kccount=0;
// index of next character in string
int sindex = 0;
int kindex =0;
// the string
char c_string[20];
char d_string[20];
// the three converted integers
//Variablen fuer Rechnung /for the calculation at the end
double a_int[3];
double b_int[3];
double Vec_Dot;
double Vec_betrag;
double angel_1;
double Vec_angel;
double grad_Angel;
void setup() {
Serial.println("serial-delimit-21"); // so I can keep track of what is loaded
Serial.println("Enter the vector in a mode like: x1,x2,x3,");
void loop()
while(Serial.available() > 0) {
// store the next character
c_string[sindex] = Serial.read();
// If it is a semicolon, count it
if(c_string[sindex++] == ',')sccount++;
// Put a null at the end of the current string
c_string[sindex] = 0;
// If we have two semicolons, we're done
if(sccount == 3)break;
if(sccount == 3) {
// Now parse the string into three integers
sindex = 0;
for(int i = 0;i < 3;i++) {
a_int[i] = atoi(&c_string[sindex]);
// skip to the next semicolon
while(c_string[sindex] != ',')sindex++;
// skip over the semicolon
// zero the counts just in case there's a next time
sindex = 0;
sccount = 0;
Serial.print("x1: ");Serial.println(a_int[0]);
Serial.print("x2: ");Serial.println(a_int[1]);
Serial.print("x3: ");Serial.println(a_int[2]);
Serial.println("Enter 2nd vector");
while(Serial.available() > 0) {
// store the next character
d_string[kindex] = Serial.read();
// If it is a semicolon, count it
if(d_string[sindex++] == ',')kccount++;
// Put a null at the end of the current string
d_string[kindex] = 0;
// If we have two semicolons, we're done
if(kccount == 3)break;
if(kccount == 3) {
// Now parse the string into three integers
kindex = 0;
for(int j = 0;j < 3;j++) {
b_int[j] = atoi(&d_string[kindex]);
// skip to the next semicolon
while(d_string[kindex] != ',')kindex++;
// skip over the semicolon
// zero the counts just in case there's a next time
kindex = 0;
kccount = 0;
//Ausgabe des Vektors
Serial.println("The 1st vector was:");
Serial.print("x1: ");Serial.println(a_int[0]);
Serial.print("x2: ");Serial.println(a_int[1]);
Serial.print("x3: ");Serial.println(a_int[2]);
Serial.println("The 2nd vector was:");
Serial.print("y1: ");Serial.println(b_int[0]);
Serial.print("y2: ");Serial.println(b_int[1]);
Serial.print("y3: "); Serial.println(b_int[2]);
/* Here the calculation begins...
// Berechnung der horizontalen Ebene für Schrittmotor (x,z-Koord.)
Vec_Dot= (a_int[0]*b[0] + a_int[2]*b[2]);
Vec_betrag = (sqrt(a_int[0]*a_int[0]+a_int[2]*a_int[2])*sqrt(b[0]*b[0]+b[2]*b[2]));
angel_1= (Vec_Dot/Vec_betrag);
Vec_angel= acos (angel_1);
grad_Angel= (Vec_angel*180)/PI;
Serial.println("Fuer die horizontale Ebene-Schrittmotor!");
Serial.println("Angel in Bogenmass:");
Serial.println("Angel in Gradmass:");
//Berechnung der vertikalen Ebene für Servo (y,z-Koord.)
Vec_Dot= (a_int[1]*b[1] + a_int[2]*b[2]);
Vec_betrag = (sqrt(a_int[1]*a_int[1]+a_int[2]*a_int[2])*sqrt(b[1]*b[1]+b[2]*b[2]));
angel_1= (Vec_Dot/Vec_betrag);
Vec_angel= acos (angel_1);
grad_Angel= (Vec_angel*180)/PI;
Serial.println("Nun fuer die vertikale Ebene-Servo!");
Serial.println("Angel in Bogenmass:");
Serial.println("Angel in Gradmass:");
I hope you can help me again... is there any facility to stop the loop() function at a certain/decided point?
Look at the code you posted. Identify the pieces of it that relate the storing the first vector. Replicate the stuff that stores the first vector so that you have room to store a second one.
When reading and parsing the serial data, you need to keep track of whether the data is the first vector or the second vector, and store the data in the appropriate places.