IN my younger days I used to burn Eproms. Bought a Special ISA-card for a (slow) PC and used it.
Now the PC gone to pieces (RIP). And buying a new ISA Motherboard is hard and very expensive, so instead I plan to use an 328p as the controller. But there seems to be a problem.
I need 8 bits to read the DATA , 16 bits to the Addresses, and 2 bits to control Chip Enable (/CE) and Output Enable (/OE) and 2 to 4 pins to to control additional logic (depending on Chip type (27C16 is very different from 27C512).
Using 2 latches (74HCT573) and a bidirectional DATA-driver (74HCT245) I need two pins to latch the address in the '573's. 2 pin to control the '245 ( /OE and DIR) assuming I only want to read data.
I want to communicate to my PC using the standard USB -interface // serial interface on my arduino one.
And now comes the problem:
Studying the 348P doc's says that D0 and D1 is RX and TX (or vice versa (don't have the docs here)), and those pins are reserved tor Rx and TX, meaning that I can't use the D-port as the above mentioned 8 bit datalines,, because it (surely) will give false signals on the TX line to the PC (again giving false results to the PC).
Or am I wrong here , can I use the D-port and send Address (0-7) to latch 1, Strobe latch 1, send address 8-15 (depending on Eprom type) to the D-port , strobe latch 2, Reverse port D to INPUT, enable the '245 datadriver , read data (corresponding to address 0-7 (latch1) address (8-15 latch2) ) and then send it to the PC.... using the TX PIN ?
I it possible to temporarily disconnect the SERIAL interface, use the D-port as described and when done turn the serial back-on, and transmit the read byte to the PC ?