I am trying to interface with my Arduino Mini Pro through a serial interface (what else...
For this purpose, I have purchased two different types of connectors:
FTDI Basic Breakout 5V
ArduinoUSB/seriel Converter
I can upload new code to the board successfully with both connectors.
The code I am uploading is only some control stuff to let me know that the serial port works:
When I want to see on the console what I'm getting back, I only get rubbish:
1 bb1b"
b "
The Duemillanove works just fine. What can I do? Any ideas how to proceed? I'm quite desparate now, because uploading works, so the serial connection should be fine, but receiving does not work..
OS is Linux (Ubuntu, Kernel 2.6.19...)
Some days earlier it worked, but I cannot figure out why it should not work now. And it's the same with two different Arduino Mini Pros.
Oh, I seem to understand. I am using IDE version 0016, and the Arduino is 5v / 16 MHz. So presumably the serial speed on the arduino is twice as high :-)) Let me check.
To be even more precise: This is the solution:
The IDE version 0016 only offers me to compile code for the 5v / 8 MHz. Though, the board clock is double speed.
So even if you write 9600 bit/s in the program, you need to pick the double serial speed, because the Arduino is simply double fast.