Serial write....

is there any way that i can send data to usb port via for continuously one second?
for example

can i send this "0" continuously for one second?

can i send this "0" continuously for one second?

Yes, permission is granted.

Not that sending '0', , over and over as ASCII data is quite the same as sending 0 as a binary value over and over.

Why do you want to do this?

i want to test a visual basic program.
can u please tell me the code?

Find one of the serial examples that comes with the Arduino IDE. (The Arduino program installed on your computer.). Modify it so it only prints zero. Then test it.

can u please tell me the code?

unsigned long startedDoingSomethingStupid = 0;
bool doSomethingStupid = true;

void setup()

void loop()
     startedDoingSomethingStupid = millis();
     while(millis() - startedDoingSomethingStupid < 1000) // do something stupid for one second
     doSomethingStupid = false;

If you get the impression that I think you are going about testing something all wrong, perhaps you are right.