Today I tried File->Example->SerialTerminal->SetLEDTerm
For a longer time I had to find out, that this only works if ON/OFF are followed by a ';'-character.
Searching the Arduino Reference via the IDE, using Search Engines...but I could find any informations
directly related to "SerialTerminal" but a lot of "dust" - that is: discussions about serial communications
in common, the init() function and so on.
Where can I find further informations about the SerialTerminal-Library, what it is able to do and what
other functions are available with it?
This is not a library that comes with the IDE - it's written by some guy who isn't affiliated with Arduino, so you should not expect to find anything in the Arduino documentation about it.
I try to prevent using Google. I searched the web with www.startpage.com and didn't find the github
page ... or overlooked it being blinded by all the other """mathces""" like "terminal emulators", "serial
communications", explanations of UARTs in general etc...
Thanks for the link!
At least it explains something...