Seriously? No More Compilation Time.

Just bought two Nano BLE Sense and asked for a quote on 500. Started dev in the WebIDE and got "No more compilation time...".

The regular IDE gives CRC errors when trying to download the needed libraries.

No business sense.

Hi @chaz-sas

Started dev in the WebIDE and got "No more compilation time...".

The Mbed OS the Nano 33 BLE Sense runs on is very advanced, which makes the compilation time longer, and thus it will burn through the minutes of the Arduino Create free plan quickly.

The good news is that when you upgrade to the Arduino Create "Maker plan" you get unlimited compilation time! It's only $6.99 USD/month:

The regular IDE gives CRC errors when trying to download the needed libraries.

If you'll tell me which libraries, I'll take a look at it.