sorry, i know this is a really stupid question, i have a 16x2 LCD connected to my Arduino Diecimila through SparkFun's SerLCD. I have LCD Smartie running with a SerLCD compatible display plugin. I was wondering if it was possible to forward the commands from LCD Smartie through my Arduino (via USB) to the LCD.
While I haven't used this program I would say it is not possible to transfer the information to the arduino without hacking the LCD Smartie.
From what I can gather it talks directly from the PC to the LCD display. You need to change this so that it gives out it's information in ASCII through one of the COM ports that appears when an arduino is plugged in.
You can download a sketch and what not, just edit everything to your needs.. I haven't tried yet so not sure how advanced it is, I do have the LCD button shield of theirs that the sketch was made for but I only used it once and now it's sitting somewhere gathering dust. lol
But yeah it's possible, just got to get the sketch set up right, and the right settings on the program as well.