Servo and LED

Hi guys. A little background: I'm making a project to turn the lights on and off by clapping.

Goal: By clapping twice, my objective is to turn a led on and at the same time move a micro servo. I'm trying to turn the lights on and off by clapping.

Problem: I have managed to write a code that would turn the LED on, however by adding the servo code, it doesnt work anymore. I need help. Thanks in advance.

#include <Servo.h>

#define micpin A0        //Analog Output
#define led 12          //Led
#define sctrl 9          //Servo control
int sdelay = 10;         //Servo delay

Servo myservo;
int pos = 0;            //Initial position of servo

void setup() {
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);        //Pin LED(11) as an output
  myservo.attach(sctrl);       // attaches the servo on sctrl(pin 6) to the servo object


void loop() {
  int sensorvalue = 0;
  static bool ledstate = true;    //Control the initial LED status: if true, LED is off. Else, LED is on.

  sensorvalue = analogRead(micpin);      //Analog value

  if (sensorvalue > 550) {                // The sound sensor initial value is around 540. A clap can create an impulse around 550 and above.
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {           //wait for the 2nd clap
      sensorvalue = analogRead(micpin);
      if (sensorvalue > 550) {
        ledstate = !ledstate;           // break from the code if the 2nd clap is louder than the threshold

  if (ledstate) {
    digitalWrite(led, LOW);

    //--------------Added this for part for the servo-----------//
    for (pos = 104; pos <= 180; pos++) { 
    for (pos = 180; pos >= 104; pos--) {
    //--------------Added this for part for the servo-----------//


  else {
    digitalWrite(led, HIGH);

    //--------------Added this for part for the servo-----------//
    for (pos = 104; pos >= 27; pos--) { 
    for (pos = 27; pos <= 104; pos++) { 

    //-------------Added this for part for the servo-------------//



Note: I mentioned the servo code at the bottom that is causing for the code not to work. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you.

DoubleClapSwitch.ino (2.26 KB)

Define "doesn't work". I'll posit that it does EXACTLY what you coded it to do. If that doesn't meet with your expectations then you need to let us know:

  1. What you expected to have happen

  2. What actually happened

  3. How those two things differ.

Is this you as well:

If you're going to sprinkle the same question all over the internet (despite the fact that it is the same folks in both places) then you should at least be considerate enough to link them so people don't waste their time giving you answers here that you already have over there.

One well asked question with the details would be a lot better than asking the same vague question in multiple places.

I think there is a logic problem.

You declare ledstate and set it equal to true:

static bool ledstate = true;

Then, if the 2nd clap happens, you toggle it, so now ledstate = false:

if (sensorvalue > 550) {
        ledstate = !ledstate;  

Therefore, this if statement evaluates to false and does not execute.

if (ledstate) { ...