Servo and MPU-6050( G's and Delays)

Hello, I am new to this forum. I have been using Arduino for about half a year now. I have a questioning concerning the servo and MPU-6050, but get this, code is not really required its just simple math really.
I am currently trying to find out whether there is a correlation between the ACCELEROMETER's G's and the SERVO's speed using delays.

How I went about trying to solve this:
I simply stuck an MPU-6050 onto the top of a servo horn and run it at different delays whilst screenshotting the serial monitor. I then tried to find a correlation and I figured it SHOULD be inversely proportionate since it is only logical that if you use a bigger delay, the servo slows done, accelerating less, meaning less G's. The results however did not really show this was the case. Recording those values were also kind of a pain and yes I have tried graphing them. I would like to know if anyone here knows an equation between it so that I can use the MPU to detect acceleration and move the servos based on it. I tried flipping over every stone on the internet but can't seem to find something. There are some videos but the speaker is Italian and so are their instructions on their websites. I would appreciate it very much if someone was able to notify me if they have some knowledge on this. for this I simply made my own version of the i2Cdev MPU 6050 DMP based on a youtuber's and used the sweep of Arduino Example. I am not quite experienced in this field but this is in fact urgent so it would be nice if advise was provided in a more understandable manner. Thank you all!

I then tried to find a correlation and I figured it SHOULD be inversely proportionate since it is only logical that if you use a bigger delay, the servo slows done, accelerating less, meaning less G's.

I think that that is an unrealistic assumption. Servo.write(somePos) tells the servo to get to the new position as fast as possible. While you may make somePos nearly the same as whatever the current position is, and use varying amounts of delay() between calls to Servo.write(), you can't actually control the speed of a servo. All you can do is make it lurch in smaller steps. It will still lurch, though.

I would like to know if anyone here knows an equation between it so that I can use the MPU to detect acceleration and move the servos based on it.

You don't need an equation to use the MPU to detect acceleration. You might need an equation to map the instantaneous rate of acceleration measured to servo position, but you've given no clue as to what the relationship between acceleration in some axis and servo position is to be.

this is in fact urgent

Then, you need to quit tap dancing, and explain what you are really trying to do.

Firstly I want to thank you for providing a response and it was helpful to know I wasn't providing sufficient info. I am building a robot that when you contact an MPU , it causes the robot to move. So if you move the MPU with a larger force or higher acceleration, it tells the robot to move faster. The way I came to solving this problem as a beginner is finding the correlation between delays placed and the G's. I appreciate you can't really change the speed which is why I have decided to make the delay 5 the fastest. Anything below gets weird and jittery. So I then provide different speeds by increasing the delay. While I understand that this does not achieve a full 180 degrees in some cases, this is just the first stage of development in terms of programming, the truth is some parts of this aren't at all graded and I am trying to achieve this out of interest. So again what I would like to do is take G inputed on an x axis, let the G's be recorded, and allow the robot to move quicker or slower based on the amount of G's by placing delays. Thank you for your contribution and I look forward to any further reply.