servo angles

hello everybody.i wonder if anyone can help me with this.i want to control a servo motor by defining from the beginning some angles, some spots.i would like the servo to rotate from +30 to -30 degrees from the 0 position.between these edges i want to select 10 spots(ex. 30 25 20 15 10 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 degrees) and the servo to go to these spots in a random way but with predefined delay time for every move.for me it seems very difficult but i would be very greatfull if someone could help.

thanks in advance! :-?

Do a google search for the servo examples, random delay etc.

It is really simple once you look around for a bit.

Or, look at the reference material. Look at the random function (to generate random numbers), the millis function (to determine time (for the delay)), and the Servo library (to control the servo). Look at arrays, to hold the servo stop positions.

If you write some code, that does what you want, great. If it doesn't quite, post what you tried, and explain what parts worked and what didn't work. Then, we'll help you get the rest working.

But, this isn't a homework service where we do your homework for you.

ok thanks.i will post some code and then we see it