Servo class definition problem

I am new here and tried to search the forum, but I didnt find what I need.

I am curently working on a RC car with BT control.
I made it work with an easy code (all in loop), but I want to attach distance sensor, leds etc. so I decided to write it as objects.

Controls are simple: DC motor - forward and backward, servo - left and right.
DC motor works fine, but servo doesnt.

Here is only servo code without remote control (make it simple to explain)

#include <Servo.h>
#define SERVO_PIN 11	

class Car
            : servoMotor()
        void initialize()						

        void run()
        Servo servoMotor;			

Car car;

void setup()

void loop()

Servo only moves to end position and stays there.
I am not very advanced in OOP, but this makes me sad.

Please if you could hint me what am I doing wrong, I would really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Don't call your code in a class constructor, they run before everything else. Remove the call
to initialize() in the constructor and call it explicitly in your code.

The only thing in a constructor should be initalizing member variables.

Thank you veeery much :slight_smile:

It is working now :slight_smile: