The signal wire must be connected to a pin that can act as a digital out. These include
the digital PWM pins
the other digital pins
the analogpins ==> by calling pinMode(A0, OUTPUT); it becomes a digital out (IIRC the servo lib takes care of that )
JUst give it a try,
Power supply:
Be aware not to drive to many servo's from the Arduino board as the board cannot provide that much current.
A separate power supply for servo's is good engineering!
==> do connect the GND of Arduino with the GND of the servo power supply so they share the same reference
Ok thanks a lot!
I thought servo's needed PWM in order to work, but I've read some information now and know I know this isnt true
And I think the Software Servo library is better than the Servo library, am I right?
Otherwise, where would the incentive be to handle events in hardware?
Memory consumption
Paul is right, hardware implementations are faster, more reliable, no (or less) RAM usage but they can be less flexible e.g. only work for certain pins. Software implementations are slower, use flash and RAM, but they might be fast enough and are often (a bit) more flexible.
Tip of the day is: use hardware version if possible