Servo control questions

Hi all, newbie here:
Hope I'm doing this right. I attached a piece of code that I'm having some trouble with.

Problem 1: When first uploaded the servo motor goes to the 90 degree position, I don't understand why that is happening.

Problem 2: When I enter an angle in the Serial monitor the servo goes to that position but then returns to 0 angle after the delay, How do I make it hold it's position?

thanks for any help

Servo servo;
int servoPin = 9;

void setup() {
Serial.print("Enter degrees of rotation:");

void loop() {
int reading = Serial.parseInt();

servo.attach() sends a 90 degree command (1500us in fact) by default. You can overcome that by putting a servo.write() in front of the attach, with the degrees you actually want it to go to.

As for the other problem, I'd put in a Serial.print() to see if there are characters arriving the rest of the time.